Lugar: Piso quinto del Banco de la República Cali, Cra. 4 # 7 – 14 Hora: 05:30 p.m. ENTRADA LIBRE
We analyze detailed trade data to assess the degree of foreign-market orientation of Colombian manufacturing firms, and its relationship with total factor productivity. We measure export-market orientation in several ways. First, we establish that exporting firms have a (robust) productivity premium over nonexporters. We then look at the degree of export intensity, defined as the ratio of export sales to total sales, and find a positive association with firm productivity levels. However, once we focus just on exporting firms this effect disappears. We also find that the number of products exported and the number of markets reached are associated with higher productivity levels, a relationship that also holds across exporting firms alone. Finally, we also explore if there is any specific order in the way firms export a given product or to a given country and, contrary to standard theory, we find no evidence of hierarchies in exporting.
La Junta Directiva del Banco de la República le rinde cuentas a la ciudadanía a través del Informe al Congreso, que analiza el cambio sustancial del escenario macroeconómico entre 2020 y 2021, y plantea los retos de la política económica colombiana. Consúltelo aquí.
The Regional Economic Bulletin for Q4-2021 provides information on the evolution of the main variables of economic activity in the regions of the country: Bogotá, center, Caribbean Coast, Eje Cafetero, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast regions. [Only in Spanish. Find it here]