Participatory Planning and Budgeting

By virtue of its administrative and financial autonomy, Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) has its own independent equity and is subject to its legal framework, contemplated in Articles 371 to 373 of the Political Constitution, Law 31 of 1992 and its Bylaws (only in Spanish), issued by Decree 2520 of 1993.

Similarly, its budget is independent, so it is not part of the General Budget of the Nation (PGN in Spanish). Consequently, the procedures for its preparation, approval, and execution are developed in accordance with its own provisions and not by the Organic Statute of the General Budget of the Nation or by the annual budget laws applicable to all public entities.

Therefore, the Bank's budget is destined for its own operations as a Central Bank and not for public investments. See the Bank's Legal Framework for Planning and Budgeting for more details.