Journal ESPE
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Levels of interest rates below historical norms may have enhanced financial instability in both developed and in developing economies during the 2000´s. The risk-taking channel of monetary transmission policy is a recent theory that explains the interaction between risk perceptions of the…
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Canadian financial institutions played an important role in the development of financial markets within Colombia’s urban centers. Specifically, insurance companies such as Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and Life Assurance Company of Canada were crucial in the expansion of the insurance…
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This article presents a reconstruction of the history of Colombia’s central bank’s (Banco de la Republica) monetary policy between 1990 and 2010, during which explicit inflation targeting was adopted by October of 2000. To do so we developed a theoretical modified Taylor rule with interest rate…
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This paper looks at the question of central bank mandate and design in a larger historical context with the goal of understanding the rationale for the design of the European Central Bank (ECB), and also of developing a better understanding of how central banks will evolve over the next few…
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Theory-consistent models have to be kept small to be tractable. If they are to forecast well, they have to condition on data that are unmodelled, noisy, patchy and about the future. Agents can also use these data to form their own expectations. In this paper we illustrate a scheme for jointly…
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This paper uses Colombian household survey data collected over the 1984-2005 period to estimate Gini coefficients and their corresponding standard errors. We find a statistically significant increase in wage income inequality following the adoption of the liberalization measures during the early…
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This paper investigates the role of monetary policy in a small open economy, where exchange rate shocks are important. VAR models are estimated for the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Contemporaneous and sign restrictions are imposed in order to identify the effect of monetary policy and…
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This paper investigates the role of domestic and external factors in explaining business cycle and international trade developments in fifteen emerging market economies. Results from sign-restricted VARs show that developments in real output, inflation and international trade variables are…
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The unfolding of the 2007 world financial and economic crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of real economic activity to strong fluctuations in asset prices. Which is the optimal monetary policy in an economy like the Colombian that is exposed to swings in asset prices?…
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In this paper we explore the contribution that asset prices appear to make to fluctuations in the economy and to inflation, and hence to monetary policy, using a large international panel for the 1970–2008 period. We show that house prices are important in the determination of economic activity…