Working Papers on Economics
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- Publicación |Gender gaps in academic performance limit educational and professional opportunities for women, perpetuating social and economic inequalities. It is crucial to implement inclusive and targeted public policies that reduce these disparities and promote greater opportunities for women in the future.
- Publicación |The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health underscores the need for early intervention strategies, especially for vulnerable groups such as young people, the elderly, and women, to mitigate the increase in mental and behavioral disorders in Colombia.
- Publicación |Abstract
We estimate the effects of annual temperature and precipitation on rice yields in Colombia from 1987 to 2016. The analysis explores the degree of variation in response to climate changes across the country’s diverse topography. Since there are two growing seasons in…
- Publicación |Climate shocks negatively affect productivity. This is due to the health problems they cause and the damage to road infrastructure, aspects that ultimately affect the economy in general and firms in particular.
- Publicación |A 1% decrease in payroll costs would increase employment in the formal sector by between 0.5% and 0.9%. This implication is specific to the Colombian context, where the minimum wage is binding for a large portion of formal sector workers, making it likely that formal labor demand drives these…
- Publicación |Nowcasting inflation is not only considered an alternative measure of observed inflation, but also a predictor, which allows for constructing inflation forecasts with better performance
- Publicación |The findings show that the output gap in Colombia fell by 20% in the second quarter of 2020 due to the pandemic, but it recovered quickly, unlike previous crises.
- Publicación |Colombian farmers participating in the game overvalue irrigation water, paying between 3 and 4 tokens when its real value is only 1 token. This reflects a perception of scarcity and rivalry in access to the resource.
- Publicación |The increase in stranded asset risk, as implied by the Paris Agreement, correlates with a 46% decrease in bank credit to fossil fuel companies relative to other economic sectors.
- Publicación |The results are relevant for future discussions on climate policies, as they indicate that carbon taxes will be effective but probably more regressive than previously thought.
- Publicación |For 2017, it was found that most imports were destined for intermediate consumption, especially for the manufacturing and trade sectors, and that these sectors, therefore, may be the most affected by changes in non-tariff measures and the value of imported goods.
- Publicación |The analysis shows how the demand for cash and checks from 1923 to 2023 was shaped by economic activity, inflation dynamics, the development of the financial system, technological innovation, and significant historical shocks such as wars, political instability, or the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Publicación |Forecast evaluation measures support the implementation of this method, and the results show a reduction in the error of inflation forecasts across various time horizons.
- Publicación |The disruption in container freight rates caused a 0.4% loss in welfare in Colombia. This percentage represents a decrease in the present value of the population's consumption due to the drop in real wages and is attributable solely to the direct effects of freight rates on the goods that Colombia…
- Publicación |We contribute to the empirical literature on housing subsidies by showing that a change in their targeting can increase the supply of credit.
- Publicación |Este documento evalúa el Proyecto de Acto Legislativo aprobado en su sexto debate, el cual busca aumentar los recursos transferidos a las regiones a través del Sistema General de Participaciones (SGP). Desde una perspectiva histórica, el sistema de transferencias a los territorios se fortaleció con…
- Publicación |Transparency is often emphasized as a key element for central bank independence and the effectiveness of monetary policy. Between 2018 and 2019, the Central Bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) undertook a significant overhaul of its monetary decision-making process, which led to significant…
- Publicación |This paper evaluates seven output gap models for real-time estimates, based on three criteria: stability of estimations on new observations, data revisions and/or methodological changes; inflation forecasting accuracy; and potential output response to structural economic shocks.
- Publicación |Most macroeconomic labor literature on estimating matching functions does not consider spatial spillover effects. However, job search and vacancy-filling processes often involve neighboring locations, as local workers can search for and fill vacancies in nearby labor markets.
- Publicación |This study examines the determinants of sovereign risk, focusing on the impact of geopolitical risk in emerging market economies (EMEs) sovereign risk metrics. Using local projection techniques, we evaluate the effects of geopolitical risk on credit default swaps (CDS) and EMBI indices in EMEs,…