
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.

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    This paper examines the career path of women in central banks, particularly at the Banco de la República of Colombia throughout its 100-year history, and also examines the experience of other central banks around the world to provide an international context.
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    We show that capital controls (CC), by slowing-down firm debt-growth in the boom, improve firm performance during crises. Exploiting a tax on foreign-currency (FX) debt inflows in  Colombia before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and multiple firm-level and loan-level…

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    We bring together the largest meta-analysis ever conducted in the macroeconomic literature to investigate the effects of central bank credibility on monetary policy. With nearly 1,200 surveyed effects, we first confirm that: (i) conventional policy significantly affects inflation and…

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    Over the past 30 years, monetary and macroprudential policy in Colombia evolved towards the pursuit of a low and credible inflation target and a stable financial system. The protracted inflation that began in the early seventies was defeated at the turn of the century with the help of…

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    The business cycle is the cycle in the output gap and also in a stationary measure of trend output. Both the output gap and trend output are driven by joint trend-cycle shocks. The model is a univariate trend-cycle decomposition with hysteresis in trend output that enables the…

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    The Global Financial Cycle (GFC) is a common movement of financial variables transmitted to emerging economies through various channels. During periods of GFC expansion, emerging economies tend to exhibit higher capital inflows, increased asset prices, and better conditions for accessing…

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    We revisit an old question but with a new identification strategy, namely the difference in exchange rate effects between announced (“vocal”) and secret (“dirty”) foreign exchange intervention. Using a Regression Discontinuity Design, we exploit a rule-based intervention mechanism…

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    This paper estimates the effect of financial development on the transmission of monetary policy. To do so, the paper employs a panel data set containing financial development indicators, policy rates, lending rates, and deposit rates for 43 countries for the period 2000-2019 and…

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    Banks in emerging market economies rely on cross-border interbank lending to financing firms in the real sector. By matching cross-border bank-to-bank loan level data with domestic bank-to-firm loan level data, and firm-level data, this paper shows that sudden yield reversal observed…

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    We investigate whether central banks are able to attract or redirect capital flows, by bringing together the entire empirical literature into the first quantitative meta-analysis on the subject. We dissect policy effects by the type of flow and by the origin of the monetary shock.…

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    Abstract Do oral FX interventions (i.e. announcements made by central bank officials and economic authorities) influence the exchange rate behavior in emerging economies? Following an event study approach, we evaluate whether this type of interventions in the Colombian FX market have an…
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    Abstract This document analyses recent developments in digital credit and payments platforms in Colombia. It explores digital financial services characteristics, and the potential risks faced by users, providers, and the central bank.
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    Abstract More than 60 countries in the world have already implemented instant payment systems (IPS). However, in many cases they have been operational mainly for person-to-person transactions. This study looks at the challenges IPS may face in developing economies like Colombia as they …
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    Abstract Modern macroeconomics focuses on the identification of the primitive exogenous forces generating business cycles. This is at odds with macroeconomic forecasts collected through surveys, which are about endogenous variables. To address this divorce, our paper uses a…
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    To study the recent dynamics of electronic payments in Colombia, Banco de la República carried out in 2020 a survey of the commerce sector on acceptance and usage of different payment instruments. The survey reveals merchants´ high levels of acceptance of electronic…

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    Cash is still widely used in Colombia, even among merchants that accept payment cards. Indeed, 60% of these merchants use dissuasive strategies to make their clients pay with cash. This shows that merchant service costs (MSC) for cards are not optimal in the sense of the Tourist Test…

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    This document studies the sources of liquidity used by financial entities that participate in the large-value payment system to meet their daily obligations. For this purpose, we design and implement an algorithm that breaks down the cash unit of these entities into different concepts…

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    Abstract We study how capital controls and domestic macroprudential policy tame credit supply booms, respectively targeting foreign and domestic bank debt. For identification, we exploit the simultaneous introduction of capital controls on foreign exchange (FX) debt inflows and an increase of…
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    The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors. 

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    In the last two decades, the Banco de la República de Colombia has assiduously intervened in the foreign exchange market, except in the last 5 years. The objectives are to accumulate international reserves, reduce excess of exchange rate volatility and moderate deviations of the…