
Abstract This document reviews the literature on the expected macroeconomic effects of climate related physical and transition risks (CRR), identifying the main strengths, weaknesses and gaps in said literature. This review seeks to contextualize its potential impact on Colombia in the coming…
The purpose of the Financial Stability Report is to present Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia)'s assessment of the recent performance of credit institutions and their borrowers, as well as the main risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the financial stability of the…
Introduction Banco de la República’s main goal is to preserve the purchasing power of the currency in coordination with the general economic policy that is intended to stabilize output and employment at long-term sustainable levels.
In compliance with Article 5, Act of Congress 31/1992, the Board of Directors of Banco de la República hereby submits to the Congress of the Republic of Colombia their Report to Congress on the macroeconomic results for the fi rst half of 2022 and the outlook for what remains of the year for its…
2022 - April
2022 - First Half
In an increasingly globalized world, it is common for companies, governments, and households to make transactions in currencies other than those of their own economy. This type of capital movement makes it possible, for example, to increase current spending, finance capital expansion projects, and…
Throughout 2021, Banco de la República participated, together with the other safety net authorities of the Colombian financial system, in the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) coordinated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB). This box briefly describes the main…
2022 - January
 1.1 Macroeconomic summary Several factors contributed to an increase in projected inflation on the forecast horizon, keeping it above the target rate. These included inflation in December that surpassed expectations (5.62%), indexation to higher inflation rates for various baskets in the…
2022 - July
1.    Summary 1.1.    Macroeconomic summary In the second quarter, annual inflation (9.67%), the technical staff’s projections and its expectations continued to increase, remaining above the target. International cost shocks, accentuated by Russia's invasion of…
2022 - March
In compliance with Act of Congress 31/1992, Article 5, the Board of Directors of Banco de la República hereby submits to the Congress of the Republic of Colombia a detailed report on the measures that Banco de la República has taken in the emergency situation generated by Covid-19 and presents the…
2022 - October
1.1 Macroeconomic summary In September, headline inflation (11.4% annually) and the average of core inflation indicators (8.6% annually) continued on a rising trend, and higher increases than expected were recorded. Forecasts increased again, and inflation expectations remained above 3%.…
2022 - Primer semestre
In recent years, the institutions of the Colombian financial system have expanded their operations and have made their ownership structures more complex given the presence of different financial groups in various lines of business (such as banking intermediation).
2022 - Second Half
As a complement to the analysis presented in Chapter 2 for insurance companies with respect to the development of their portfolio, profitability, and capital adequacy, this box provides an account of the performance of insurance policies issuance, claims, and operational profitability by line of…
This box analyzes the recent changes in a battery of indicators on the financial position of households and their trends with respect to their historical behavior. These indicators were calculated based on the quarterly national accounts by institutional sector published by DANE and the financial…
La presencia de descalces cambiarios es un factor que puede incrementar la vulnerabilidad externa de la economía por la vía de la inversión, el crecimiento, la liquidez y la solvencia de las firmas que se ven sometidas a este fenómeno. En el Recuadro 1 del Reporte de Estabilidad Financiera del…
The Bank is celebrating its 100th anniversary since its foundation and the trajectory that has established it as the one independent state institution that generates the greatest confidence among Colombians due to its transparency, management capabilities, and effective compliance with the central…
Recent analyses in the U.S. suggest that the cycle of increases in its benchmark interest rate was accompanied by the inversion of its yield curve and an increase in the probability of recession. The yield curve is understood to be inverted when long-term (10-year) bond rates are lower than short-…
Banco de la República (Banrep) and DANE jointly disclosed the esults of the Quarterly National Accounts of Institutional Sectors (CNTSI in Spanish) as of June 2021. This work is the result of a joint effort made by the two entities seeking to generate statistics that meet international quality…
This Box summarizes the main findings on central banks’ experience with asset purchases in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the Colombian case.
Over the last year and a half, the world has faced a major setback in the low and stable inflation behavior that had been observed for several years. The price increases that have occurred since 2021 have taken place in a context of increases in aggregate demand resulting from the economic…
The minimum wage (MW) is one of the most widely used public policies in almost all the countries. Included among its objectives are the protection of workers against unduly low wages and to contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality. However, there has been evidence of the adverse…
The U.S. financial system experienced a period of stress during March 2023 in which several regional banks including First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Bank, etc., were affected. The collapse of these institutions had multiple causes and exposed the potential…
1. Performance of the Exchange Rate and some of its Determinants
In recent years, Colombia economy has seen a growing trend in the digitalization of payments (perhaps partly as a consequence of the pandemic). This is evident in the increased use of electronic channels.
Since the end of 2021, the growth of inflationary pressure brought about by a combination of supply and demand factors has generated a scenario of tightening international financial conditions in an environment of normalization of monetary policy interest rates and a new cycle of dollar…