Financial Stability Report - I Semester 2018

Echavarría-Soto, Juan José
Vargas-Herrera, Hernando
Subgerencia Monetaria y de Inversiones Internacionales
Pamela Cardozo
Departamento de Estabilidad Financiera
Daniel Osorio
Paola Morales
Juan Carlos Mendoza
Nathali Cardozo
Jorge Cely
Felipe Clavijo
Santiago Gamba
Oscar Jaulín
Angélica Lizarazo
Juan Sebastián Mariño
María Meneses
Daisy Pacheco
Carlos Quicazán
Santiago Segovia
Eduardo Yanquen
Santiago Blanco
Luis Parra
Publication Date:
Friday, 12 April 2019

1. The recovery of the Colombian economy has gradually mitigated the main short-term vulnerabilities for the financial stability of the system.

2. Credit institutions maintain solid solvency and liquidity indicators, despite the reduction in profitability and the slow growth in the volume of credit.

3. The main vulnerabilities for the financial stability of the Colombian economy at the moment are associated with: - The lagged effect of low economic growth on the materialization of credit risk. - The risk of a return to a path of economic slowdown in the near future.

4. At the closing of 2017, non-performing loans to the corporate sector and Colombian households still showed positive (albeit declining) rates of growth.