Banknotes and Coins NEW

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    This guide summarizes the criteria that should help financial institutions, securities transportation companies, and users to identify the type of banknotes and coins that are unfit for circulation and should therefore be delivered to Banco de la República (the Central Bank of…

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    Under the Political Constitution of Colombia, Banco de la República, as the Central Bank of Colombia, has exclusive power to issue Colombian legal tender within the terms established by the law.

    Colombian banknotes, in addition to fulfilling the essential function of facilitating the daily…

  • Noticias |

    Banco de la República, in compliance with Law 1903 of 22 June 2018, makes available to the public, for commemorative purposes, the coin of the Bicentennial of the sacrifice of the national heroine Policarpa Salavarrieta. The coin will be available to the public as of 10 January 2023…

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    Law 31 of 1992 empowers Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) to “order the mintage of legal tender coins in the country or abroad for commemorative or numismatic purposes, as provided for in special laws, establish their alloys, and determine their characteristics."

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  • Comunicados de prensa |

    A new COP$1,000 coin will begin circulating within the new family of coins.

    The new coins will reduce manufacturing costs compared to the current costs.

    Colombian coins will have new security features.…

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    Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) provides virtual training for the public in general, and to blind or deaf people, giving them the necessary support. These trainings aim to teach how to properly identify and check the security features of the new family of Colombian banknotes…

  • Noticias |
    Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) is constituted as a legal person of public law, with constitutional status and administrative, equity, and technical autonomy, subject to its own legal framework as established in Articles 371 to 373 of the Political Constitution, Law 31 of 1992…
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    Banco de la República, in compliance with Law 1903 of 22 June 2018, makes available to the public, for commemorative purposes, the coin of the Bicentennial of the sacrifice of the national heroine Policarpa Salavarrieta. The coin will be available to the public as of 10 January 2023…

  • Noticias |

    Some accounts in social networks publish information about a possible counterfeit of the COP100,000 banknote, identified with the series AA42661883. However, Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) informs that, within the framework of its processes with cash nationwide, no…

  • Noticias |

    Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) is responsible for ensuring the supply of banknotes and coins  in its different denominations, which it does by distributing payments to the different credit institutions, commercial establishments and to the general public. For their…

  • Noticias |

    Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) is constantly engaged in campaigns on how to recognize the authenticity of the new family of banknotes that include the latest technology to strengthen their security and maintain public confidence in cash. These elements are highly effective…

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    On 29 November 2016, Banco de la República started circulating the new $2 thousand-peso banknote, the fifth of the new family of banknotes, which will circulate simultaneously with the current one. Its predominant color is blue. The obverse features the image of artist Débora Arango, along with…

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    On 9 November 2016 Banco de la República started circulating the new $5 thousand-peso banknote, the fourth of the new family of banknotes, which will circulate simultaneously with the current one. Its predominant color is brown. The obverse features the image of the poet José Asunción Silva, a…

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    On 7 December 2016, Banco de la República started circulating the new $10 thousand-peso banknote, the sixth and last of the new family of banknotes. This banknote will circulate simultaneously with the current one. Red is its predominant color. The obverse features the image of anthropologist…

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    On 30 June 2016, Banco de la República launched the new 20 thousand peso banknote, the second of the new family of banknotes, which will circulate simultaneously with the current one. The obverse features the image of President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen (complying with article 8 of Act 1599 of…

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    On 19 August 2016, Banco de la República started circulating the new 50 thousand peso banknote, the third of the new family of banknotes. This banknote will circulate simultaneously with the current ones. The obverse shows the image of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel Laureate in Literature (…

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    On 31 March 2016, Banco de la República started circulating the new $100 thousand peso banknote, the first of a new family of banknotes. The obverse features the image of President Carlos Lleras Restrepo (complying with article 10 of Act 1167 of 2007) together with the barranquero bird and the…

  • Comunicados de prensa |

    On 29 November 2016 Banco de la República started circulating the new $2 thousand-peso banknote, the fifth of the new family of banknotes

    The artist Débora Arango, Caño Cristales (the “river of five colors”), the leaves and the fruit of the milk tree, and the bird from…