Care of Banknotes and Coins

Under the Political Constitution of Colombia, Banco de la República, as the Central Bank of Colombia, has exclusive power to issue Colombian legal tender within the terms established by the law.

Colombian banknotes, in addition to fulfilling the essential function of facilitating the daily transactions of Colombia’s economy, are part of the emblems of the Nation's sovereignty. Banknotes are unique: they identify the country and, given the characteristics of their design (motifs, colors, style), they reflect its idiosyncrasy. 

Care of banknotes

Taking care of banknotes prevents their premature deterioration and facilitates the verification of their authenticity. To this end, it is essential to follow these tips: 

Do not sew them together with staples. Instead, if you need to attach a note or join several bills together, do it with rubber bands or paper clips.
Do not mark or scratch them. If you feel like drawing, writing, or doing mathematical calculations, never do so on your bills. Use a separate sheet of paper instead.
Avoid folding them excessively or wrinkling them. Instead, keep them in your wallet or somewhere they will not fold too much. 
Do not stamp or add any graphics with ink on the surface of the bills. 
Avoid contact with grease, oils, paint, ink, or any other substance to prevent stains on the bills.
Do not tear, alter, or remove fractions or parts of the banknotes.
Do not place adhesive tapes, stickers, or any other adhesive element on the banknotes.
Avoid exposure to substances such as detergents, solvents, fuels, and chemical products. Always keep them dry because paper money, despite being resistant to contact with liquids, lasts shorter with humidity. 
Avoid drastic and wrong tests to confirm their authenticity, such as rubbing them, tearing them with a fingernail, stretching them, crumpling them completely, or trying to remove the security thread, among others.
Always keep in a dry place because paper money, despite being resistant to contact with liquids, lasts less with humidity.

Care of coins

Taking care of coins prevents their premature deterioration and facilitates the verification of their authenticity. To this end, it is essential to follow these tips:

Do not expose coins to chemical substances such as acids, liquid soaps, solvents, grease, etc.
Do not add adhesive substances, resins, glues, paints, or any other substance on the surface of the coins.
Do not subject the coins to alterations by fire or heat.
Do not alter the size or shape of the coins by mechanical actions such as cutting, friction, bending, mutilation, perforation, etc.
Do not use the coins for uses or purposes other than those intended as a means of payment.
Not taking care of the coins causes darkening, oxidation, and changes in color, appearance, and texture on the surface of the coins.

And most importantly...

Banknotes and coins are the heritage of ALL COLOMBIANS, and taking care of them reflects our culture. 
Do not receive banknotes and coins in bad condition.