Banrep desde el lente” Video Contest
General Objective
“BanRep desde el lente” is a contest of videos that promotes research on high school students. It aims to instill in young people passion for understanding what happens in the economy and how it is related to their lives. Technology, and social networks are used as learning tools in this initiative due to the close relationship young people have with them. Thus, students are challenged to create easy-to-understand videos to spread out information.
- Each year a theme/question is proposed.
- Each team, with the assistance of a teacher, must create a video answering the question of that year’s version. Teams must be composed of maximum three students.
- The video must last minimum one and a half minutes and maximum three minutes, including titles and credits.
- There are two categories:
- Junior: High school students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades *
- Senior: High school students in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades*
*Special education schools may also be part of this contest
- The video can be presented individually or in groups of up to three students. However, the video can have more extra actors (who cannot have dialogues).
- Each team must be accompanied by one advisor teacher who must guide the entire process but must not act in the video.
- The teams may have team members from different classes/grades, but they must belong to the same category. For example, a team can be made up of students in 6th and 8th grades (because they are both part of the junior category), but a team cannot be made up of students in 8th and 10th grades (because one of them is in the junior category and the other is in the senior one).
- Each school can nominate several teams. There is no limit on the number of groups per school, but each student must belong to only one team.

Evaluation Criteria
- Quality (20%): the video must not be pixelated nor blurry. If it has titles or credits, they are easy to read. The camera does not shake while recording. Conversations are clear and understandable. All sounds used are adequate to copyright and are effective for what they are intended to convey.
- Creativity and originality (20%): use of innovative ideas and techniques to tell the story.
- Content (25%): the story is easy to follow, it engages the audience, and it has a beginning, a development, and an end. The video can pleasantly be watched again. It is educational and suitable for young audiences and audiences without previous knowledge on economic issues.
- Knowledge (35%): the message of the video is clear. The question asked in the contest’s version is adequately answered. Knowledge on the subject is clear. In general, there are no conceptual mistakes.
Historical Winners
Winning team of the Senior Category:
Student’s name: Maria Alejandra Beltrán Loaiza
Teacher’s name: Derly Katherin Morea Sánchez
Educational institution: Colegio Inglés Ibagué
Municipality: Ibague
Winning team of the Junior Category:
Students’ names: Daniel Aldana Pantoja and Silvana Lenes Rocha
Teacher’s name: Néstor Camilo Vega
Educational Institution: Colegio Champagnat
Municipality: Bogota, D.C.