Romero-Chamorro, José Vicente
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.
- Publicación |Transparency is often emphasized as a key element for central bank independence and the effectiveness of monetary policy. Between 2018 and 2019, the Central Bank of Colombia (Banco de la República) undertook a significant overhaul of its monetary decision-making process, which led to significant…
- Publicación |This study examines the determinants of sovereign risk, focusing on the impact of geopolitical risk in emerging market economies (EMEs) sovereign risk metrics. Using local projection techniques, we evaluate the effects of geopolitical risk on credit default swaps (CDS) and EMBI indices in EMEs,…
- Publicación |This document examines the evolution and determinants of portfolio flows in the Colombian economy, which comprises investments on public debt bonds, shares, and private bonds. Structural changes along the last few years owed to either regulatory or market shocks are identified. The international…
- Publicación |