Seminario 514. Fixing a Broken Tax Code: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Assessment

Este evento hace parte de la serie:
Otros seminarios y talleres
  • Profesor asistente de economía, Universidad Javeriana


Entrada libre. Indispensable inscribirse en el siguiente vínculo: Inscripciones

Hora: 12:00 m. (refrigerio) y 12:30 p. m. (inicio del seminario)
Tiempo de exposición: 12:30 p. m. a 2:00 p. m.
Lugar: Banco de la República, carrera 7 # 14-78, piso 13 (Sala de prensa), Bogotá D.C.

Idioma de la exposición: Español


Resumen del documento:  This paper presents a dynamic general equilibrium model to assess the effect of the US 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) on welfare, distribution and economic performance. In particular, it simulates the cuts on corporate taxes and personal income taxes. The simulation suggests that, as a consequence of the tax cuts, there are  significant increases in investment, wages and output. Investment increases by 14% in the long run, driving up wages by 5% and leading to a 4.3% increase in steady-state output. There is a drop of only 3% in the steady-state tax revenue, although there is a significant shortfall of tax revenues in the short run. If, in addition to the aforementioned cuts,  the substitution of depreciation deductions for investment deductions becomes permanent, then these effects are more than doubled.


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