
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.

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    Macroprudential policy in Colombia is described along with a discussion of the main challenges faced by the authorities in implementing it and a review of episodes in which macroprudential measures were taken. An overview and some estimates of their effectiveness in preventing the buildup of…

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    Abstract: The paper provides some evidence on the relevance of global uncertainty and risk aversion and the lesser importance of US interest rates for the global financial and business cycles. As framework, we use a global semi-structural model augmented with financial and…

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    Central banks generally target multiple objectives while having at least the same number of monetary instruments. However, some instruments can be inadvertently collinear, leading to indeterminacy and identification failures. Paradoxically, most empirical studies have shied away from this…

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    Macroprudential tools have been used around the world as a mechanism to control potential risks and imbalances in the financial sector. Colombia is a good example of a country that has employed different regulatory measures to manage systemic risks in the economy. The purpose of this paper is to…

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    In this paper we provide evidence that ECB's asset purchase programmes spill over into CESEE countries contributing to easing their financial conditions, both in the short- and in the long-term through different transmission channels. In the short run, a selected number of financial variables in…

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    Most of the literature on the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention has yet to reach a general consensus. In part, this is due to the different estimation methods in which exogenous variation is identified. In this sense, the use of heavily-dependent parametric models can sometimes…

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    The world economy has recently been hit by commodity price fluctuations, with first round effects on noncore inflation and second round effects on core inflation. The policy response to commodity price fluctuations depends on the first and second round effects as well as on the strength of the…

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    This Appendix provides a more detailed discussion of the technical results, including proofs of theorems reported in the main paper. For ease of reference notation and definitions are repeated from the main paper.


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    Abstract: We investigate the effectiveness of foreign exchange interventions using the Colombian experience as a case study. Recent theoretical work emphasizes the importance of financial sector balance sheets and capital flows in determining the effects of currency…

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    Central banks in emerging countries frequently build-up (diminish) reserves while attempting to depreciate (appreciate) their domestic currencies. Even if these interventions are effective, they often entail various costs. Basu (2012), nonetheless, proposes a model in which the sole announcement…

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    Even though international authorities encourage open and wide access to large value payment systems, the optimal level of access, or tiering, is still an open question. In the case of real-time gross settlement systems (RTGS), the level of access, or tiering, may be limited by the tradeoff…

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    We examine how liquidity is exchanged in different types of Colombian money market networks (i.e. secured, unsecured, and central bank’s repo networks). Our examination first measures and analyzes the centralization of money market networks. Afterwards, based on a simple network optimization…

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    In this paper we analyze the effects of financial constraints on the exchange rate through the portfolio balance channel. Our contribution is twofold: First, we construct a tractable two-period general equilibrium model in which financial constraints inhibit capital flows. Hence, departures from…

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    This document explores an alternative strategic asset allocation framework for foreign exchange reserves, whose main purpose is to maximize the risk-adjusted returns maintaining the objectives of liquidity and safety of a foreign reserves’ portfolio.   The overall portfolio can be…

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    The paper presents a global model for analysis and projections. The model features a handful of elements that make it suitable for analyzing three broad sets of topics; first, systemic risk and its transmission to country risk premiums; second, the transmission from country risk premiums to…

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    Many central banks that have opted for monetary autonomy have also been reluctant to relinquish control over the value of their currencies. As a result, they have operated through both interest rate and foreign exchange interventions.  However, in the context of the monetary trilemma, both…

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    The disclosure of the minutes of the Boards of Directors of central banks (procedural transparency within the inflation targeting (IT) literature) implies the challenge of sending a clear message. Regardless of whether the document released is a brief, moderate, or highly detailed (verbatim)…

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    This paper studies the allocation of the functions and responsibilities of prudential supervision on public authorities, including the central bank. In particular, it is argued that there are interdependencies in the design of institutions; political decisions on the supervisory structure are…

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    In this paper we survey prominent theories that have shaped the literature on sterilized foreign exchange interventions. We identify three main strands of literature: 1) that which advocates the use of sterilized interventions; 2) that which deems sterilized interventions futile; and 3) that…

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    Using a stylized model in which output is measured with error, we derive the optimal policy response to the demand shock signal and to changes in the measurement error volatility from two different perspectives: the minimization of the expected loss (from which we derive the ‘standard’ policy)…