Publications OLD

A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.

  • Publicación |

    CURRENT SITUATION OF THE COLOMBIAN ECONOMYThis is the Statistical Annex of a new publication by the Governor of the Central Bank of Colombia. It is addressed to citizens, analysts, and domestic and foreign investors interested in learning about the most recent events in the Colombian economy,…

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    The Sustainability Report presents topics related to corporate governance and institutional performance of Banco de la República regarding economic, social and environmental issues. This report intends to strengthen the efforts made by the Central Bank on transparency and accountability…

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    At the end of 2012 annual inflation stood at 2.4%, lower than the long-term target (3%) and within the year’s target range (2%-4%) (Graph A). Fourth-quarter inflation results were lower than average market expectations and also below the rates expected by Banco de la República’s technical staff…