Irma Raquel Bermúdez Davis was appointed by Banco de la República as Acting Manager for the San Andrés Cultural Center for a one-year period, while Wilder Guerra Curvelo acts as Governor for the Department of La Guajira.
Irma Raquel Bermúdez Davis graduated as professional in Finance and Foreign Relations from Fundación San Martín de Bogotá. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Exact and Natural Sciences from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and a Specialist's Degree in Strategic Project Management from the Manizales branch of the same university. She specialized in Recreation for Social and Cultural Development at Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores in Bogotá. She has participated in several forums and courses in San Andrés, Pereira, and Bogotá.
She was a public-service mathematics teacher at Flowers Hill School. She also teached at the Instituto Nacional Técnico Profesional (Infotep) in San Andrés, in the administrative and financial areas. She has been part of the Executive Deputy Management Office of Fundación Helping Youth since 2010, where she designs and develops social, cultural, and environmental projects for youth, among others. Between 2006 and 2013, she worked at the First Baptist School and SENA in San Andrés, developing administrative and pedagogical topics.
Banco de la República's Cultural Center in San Andrés, whose outreach has strengthened since the opening of the new building in July 2016, with great acceptance by the citizens, will continue serving the public during the absence of Mr. Weildler Guerra. The number of users of the Cultural Center's services has duplicated, and half a year after its inauguration, more than 300 people have joined Banco de la República’s Library Network.
Bogotá D.C.,