Economic Education Videos

The video of Banrep Educa informs about the economic education program of Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia). This program seeks to improve your understanding of basic economic topics and, particularly, those related to Central Banking. Because what happens in the economy…is related to you!

Since the late 1990s, Banco de la República has been committed to promoting Colombians’ economic education. Thus, through various educational proposals, the Bank teaches and entertains children, young people, and adults in Bogota and in its 28 branches and cultural agencies around the country. 

Videos – All audiences

​​​History of Banco de la República

We are glad to share with you the video “History of Banco de la República”, as part of the Economic Education Program of the Central Bank, called ​​Banrep Educa. This is a material for teachers, students, and the public. The video explains and tells in a clear and didactic way the history of the Central Bank from the nineteenth century to the present, emphasizing the main milestones since its creation. 

What are the Bank’s Functions?

This video clearly and didactically explains the main functions of Banco de la República and how they are related to fulfill its primary objective of keeping inflation low and stable, aligned with the general economic policy.

​​​The Bank’s Accounting

This video explains in a clear and didactic way the difference between the financial results of a central bank and those of other financial institutions. That is because Banco de la República has a different objective: to ensure money does not lose its purchasing power by keeping inflation low and stable, and contributing to have a sustainable economic growth.

​What is Inflation?

As part of the Economic Education Program of Banco de la República called Banrep Educa, we are glad to share with you the educational video “What is inflation?”, a material for students, and the public. It explains clearly and briefly, what inflation is, how it affects Colombians’ lives, and what Banco de la República does to control it.

​​​Causes of Inflation

We are glad to share with you the educational video “Causes of Inflation”, which is part of the Economic Education Program of Banco de la República called Banrep Educa. This material is for teachers, students, and the public, and presents the demand and supply phenomena that cause prices to increase, and, consequently, the purchasing power to decrease. It also shows, through practical examples, how the Dollar price can cause inflationary pressures.

​​​Why is it Important to Control Inflation?

In this opportunity, the video highlights three key aspects of keeping inflation low and stable. In this way, we contribute to maintaining sustained growth without significant fluctuations. The first key aspect is that by being in a low-price environment, people’s purchasing power is preserved. The second aspect is that, by having inflation under control, the resources in an economy are allocated better, creating greater well-being and growth. And the third key aspect is that, with low prices, it is easier for the economic authorities to adopt the right economic measures.

​​​How is Inflation Measured?

As part of the Economic Education Program of Banco de la República called Banrep Educa, we are glad to share with you the educational video “How is inflation measured?” This material is for teachers, students, and the public, and explains clearly and didactically what products are considered for calculating inflation in Colombia, where prices can be consulted, and how the price variation over time is analyzed.

Note: The methodology for calculating CPI was updated by DANE in 2019; therefore, it is recommended to consult its considerations, especially those related to the new expenditure groups and the calculation.

​​​How is Inflation Controlled?

As part of the Economic Education Program of Banco de la República called Banrep Educa, we are glad to share with you the educational video “How is inflation controlled?” This material is for teachers, students, and the public.
This video explains how the Central Bank of Colombia controls inflation and which instruments are used to achieve a low and stable inflation.

​What is Hyperinflation?

As part of the Economic Education Program of Banco de la República called Banrep Educa, we are glad to share with you the educational video “Hyperinflation.” This material is for teachers, students, and the public. This video explains in a clear and didactic way why economic authorities are concerned about keeping the price level low and stable, thus avoiding the risks of hyperinflation.

Videos for Children

​​​What is Money, and What is It for?

Banco de la República presents a fun video for children, explaining where money comes from, what money is used for, and how it has evolved until nowadays.

​Interest Rates

Banco de la República presents a fun video for children, through which they will learn what interest rates are and their importance when making decisions regarding savings and spending.

Savings Workshop

In order to promote economic education among Colombian children and young people, Banco de la República carries out this fun workshop that explains the importance of saving as a tool for achieving short, medium, and long-term goals. Through games and recreational activities, children and young people learn the difference between wants and needs. Thus, they reflect on what they are interested in for their future and why it is worth saving for it. In Bogota, the workshop includes a tour around Casa de la Moneda Museum (the Mint Museum) so that children and young people can learn about the history of money and its evolution until the present day. By the end of the workshop, the attendees will receive a piggy bank to encourage them to start their first savings and a coloring booklet on economic and financial education.

Participants can also take the virtual workshop by clicking on the following link: ​​Taller del ahorro virtual (Virtual Savings Workshop)Taller del ahorro virtual

​​​The Bank’s Ghost

It is a simple explanation of some functions of Banco de la República.

Economic System

The economic system from a pedagogical perspective.

​​​The care of Colombian banknotes (1990s television commercial)

A series of commercials for Colombian television.

​Coins: a story to tell

Recognizing our Banknotes

Color-changing image

The color-changing image is one of the security features of our banknotes, and it is printed with inks that change their color when the banknote is tilted.


Have you ever wondered what the watermark on banknotes is? Could you recognize it? This video will help you identify this security feature.

Security strip

Do you easily recognize the security strips on banknotes? Do not be deceived! Learn how to check banknotes authenticity with this guide.

Hidden image

Have you seen the hidden BRC letters on all banknotes? We invite you to watch the following video to learn how to recognize them and avoid deceit.