Otero-Cardona, Jesús Gilberto
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Artículo publicado en: Economics Letters, vol. 118, num. 1, pp. 29-32, 2013.
En este artículo se utiliza un enfoque de emparejamiento para probar la ley del precio único en las tasas de interés pasivas (activas) en Colombia. Los resultados indican que cuando los bancos…
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Artículo publicado en: Agribusiness, vol. 29, num. 4, pp. 497-508, 2013. doi: 10.1002/agr.21319.
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Artículo publicado en: Portuguese Economic Journal, vol. 12, num. 1, pp. 35-56, 2013.
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We apply a pair-wise approach to test the law of one price for deposit (lending) rates in Colombia. We find that when banks are of different size deposit rates adjust quickly, suggesting a competitive environment. By contrast, lending rates adjust rapidly when banks are of similar size,…
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This paper uses Colombian household survey data collected over the 1984-2005 period to estimate Gini coefficients and their corresponding standard errors. We find a statistically significant increase in wage income inequality following the adoption of the liberalization measures during the early…
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This paper estimates an asymmetric error correction model to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the Colombian unemployment rate. We find evidence that wages above their long-run equilibrium level do increase unemployment, but wages below this level do not reduce it.