Murcia-Pabón, Andrés
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.
- Publicación |The global economy proved resilient during the period analyzed, although signs of a slowdown emerged towards the end of the quarter.Inflation resumed its convergence towards targets in most major developed economies.There was a shift towards less restrictive monetary policy stances and looser…
- Publicación |Inflation indicators surpassed expectations, staying above the targets set by most central banks. Major central banks in developed economies maintained a cautious stance, contributing to expectations of prolonged contractionary monetary policy.
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Global inflationary pressures remain high, although showing a downward trend, while economic activity demonstrated greater resilience than expected.
- Publicación |Inflation indicators remain above the target of most central banks despite continuing to show a decline in most countries. The main central banks of developed economies suggested the possibility of keeping monetary policy rates (MPRs) at high levels for a longer period.Fixed income assets…
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Presented during the 58th Meeting of the Network of Central Banks and Finance Ministries of Latin America and the Caribbean organizaed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Washington, November 7th-9th.
Session 2. Panel. Financial Stability in Latin America and the Caribbean…
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Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia - Banrep) generates information for decision-making, accountability, and public dissemination purposes. In particular, the Financial Markets Report is framed within the principle of public disclosure and contributes to fulfill the Bank's…
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Elements of both supply and demand interact during a financial crisis, which explains the precarious growth in credit. Nonetheless, it is important that demand-side incentives be generated ex post. These also help to reactivate loans by fueling the supply of credit. The latter usually remains…
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To complement a number of studies done in Colombia, based largely on figures from institutional balance sheets, Banco de la Republica has conducted three surveys to date on the credit situation in Colombia. The aim is to collect qualitative information that can be used to determine how financial…
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As a result of the most recent global financial crisis literature has embraced size, connectedness and substitutability as key indicators for financial institutions’ systemic importance. Despite the intuitiveness of these concepts, identifying systemic important institutions remain a non-trivial…
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