Presentation titled "Fiscal policy and the cycle in Latin America: the role of financing conditions and fiscal rules", delivered during the Seminar of the EEP…
Presentation titled "What is the fiscal stress in Euro Area? Evidence from a joint monetary-fiscal structural model", delivered during the Seminar of the EEP…
Presentation titled "Efficiency and economic growth in Latin America: The case of Colombia", delivered during the Seminar of the EEP Journal (Challenges of…
Presentation titled "Public savings and the effectiveness of Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention", delivered during the Seminar of the EEP Journal (…
Presentation titled "Determinants and effects of fiscal stabilization: New evidence from Time-Varying Estimates", delivered during the Seminar of the EEP…
La Junta Directiva del Banco de la República le rinde cuentas a la ciudadanía a través del Informe al Congreso, que analiza el cambio sustancial del escenario macroeconómico entre 2020 y 2021, y plantea los retos de la política económica colombiana. Consúltelo aquí.
The Regional Economic Bulletin for Q4-2021 provides information on the evolution of the main variables of economic activity in the regions of the country: Bogotá, center, Caribbean Coast, Eje Cafetero, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast regions. [Only in Spanish. Find it here]