Results of the Perception Survey on the Use of Instruments for Regular Payments in Colombia - 2022 (Only in Spanish)

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Banco de la República
Publication Date

Every two years, Banco de la República’s (the Central Bank of Colombia) Office for Industrial and Treasury Affairs, with the methodological consultancy of the Office for Economic Studies, applies the national survey on the provision of banknotes and coins and payment instruments (Epbmip in Spanish). The main purpose of this survey is to know the perception of natural persons (the public) and legal persons (retailers) regarding the provision of cash (coins and banknotes) in the economy.

Banrep’s Financial Infrastructure Oversight Department (DSIF in Spanish) incorporates in a module of this survey a series of questions aimed at examining aspects related to the preferences of this population regarding the use of payment instruments (cash, cards, checks, and transfers), when making purchases of goods and services on a monthly basis, that is, payments related to the purchase of food, beverages, clothing, and payments for utilities, as well as transportation and housing. Thus, the measurements captured in this survey module do not include payments for luxury, durable goods and services, those generated in the financial assets market (i.e., payments for household appliances, purchase of vehicles, financial obligations other than mortgage loans or purchase of shares or public debt instruments).