Report of the Board of Directors to the Congress of Colombia - July 2018

Keep in mind

Pursuant to Article 5 of Law 31 of 1992, the Board of Directors of Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) submits a report to the Honorable Congress of Colombia, informing about the performance of the economy and its outlook. This report is submitted twice a year, in March and July, within ten business days following the start date of the sessions of the Congress. 

Mauricio Cárdenas
Juan José Echavarría
Gerardo Hernández
Ana Fernanda Maiguashca
Carolina Soto
José Antonio Ocampo
Juan Pablo Zárate

Complying with Article 5 of Act 31 of 1992, the Board of Directors of the Central Bank submits a report to the Congress of Colombia twice a year accounting for the behavior of the economy and its prospects. This report is delivered in March and July within 10 working days following the beginning of the sessions of the Congress.

Publication Date

The evolution of the Colombian economy during the first half of 2018 shows that the process of adjustment to the shocks of the last few years has consolidated simultaneously with an upturn in economic activity and improvement in consumer and entrepreneur confidence. The recent recovery has taken place within a context of high volatility in global capital markets, which has affected a number of emerging markets, and to which the Colombian economy has responded satisfactorily.