The global economy experienced a substantial rise in infation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing disruptions in the international supply chain, in addition to the impact on international energy prices resulting from the war between Russia and Ukraine. In emerging economies,…
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Rent is the most important CPI component for Colombian households, representing approximately one-fourth of the household’s index expenditures. Price increases for this component exhibit signifcant inertia because they are indexed to the headline infation of the prior year. In turn, this…
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I. Performance of Credit Institutions (CIs)
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In the third quarter, headline inflation continued to decrease and is expected to continue doing so gradually to reach 3.0% by the end of 2025.
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La dinámica de los principales mercados en los que el sistema financiero participa (e.g. crédito, depósitos y administración de fondos, entre otros) se encuentra estrechamente vinculada al comportamiento del sector de hogares, dado su papel preponderante en cada uno de estos.
- Publicación |1. First vulnerability: Sudden changes in global financial conditions
As of September 2024, the likelihood of a reduction in the U.S. Federal Reserve policy rate has increased, raising the possibility that external financial conditions may loosen by the end of 2024.
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Here you can find the statements, news and updates regarding eport of the Board of Directors to the Congress of Colombia available on the site
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In compliance with Article 5 of Law 31 of 1992, the Board of Directors of Banco de la República (the Central Bank of Colombia) submits a report to the Congress of Colombia twice a year in which it reports on the performance of the economy and its outlook. This report is submitted twice a year,…
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Los recuadros del Informe de la Junta Directiva al Congreso de la República, tratan temas autocontenidos que complementan el informe, en esta página podrá encontrar los archivos individuales desde 2018, previo a ello debe consultarlos dentro de los informes.
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Monetary policy plays a fundamental role in the pursuit of economic stability and its effectiveness is closely linked to its credibility. In the context of monetary policy, credibility refers to the degree of confidence that economic agents have that the central bank will achieve its objectives…
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Foreign investors made significant sales of their holdings of local public debt securities during 2023. Specifically, they sold COP 9.1 t in peso-denominated TES and COP 2.4 t in UVR-denominated TES respectively. This represented a 11.7% decrease in their balance in pesos…
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After facing the adverse effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 and 2022 the Colombian economy grew at a remarkable pace, reflected in a widening of the current account deficit to levels close to its historical maximums (-5.6% and -6.1% of GDP, respectively). In…
- Publicación |Financial Infrastructure in ColombiaPayment Infrastructure in Financial MarketsIn 2023, Banco de la República’s (the Central Bank of Colombia) large-value payment system (Deposit Accounts System or CUD in Spanish) showed greater dynamism.
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After the 2008 fnancial crisis, the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) drove the benchmark interest rate to historically low levels that became more pronounced in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, starting in March 2020 several measures to provide the market with liquidity were…
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The increasing digitization of fnancial services has increased the system’s exposure to cyber-attacks. This could compromise the security of the information, its operability and, therefore, its stability. The materialization of a cyber-risk event that affects the payment system could disrupt the…
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During 2022, Colombian companies that resorted to international fnancing sources faced interest rate increases and a sharp depreciation of the peso against the dollar (21%). This may have important implications for the balance sheets of real sector companies with a negative exchange rate…
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Law 2381 of 2024, “Whereby the Comprehensive Social Protection System for Old Age Disability, and Death (Sistema de Protección Social Integral para la Vejez, Invalidez y Muerte, in Spanish) of common origin is established, and other provisions are issued,” creates the Reserve Fund of the…
- Publicación |International macroeconomic environmentThe global economy would continue to grow in 2024 at a rate slightly higher than 3.0%, according to forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (3.2%) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (3.1%).This dynamic is lower than the pre-…
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During the second quarter, headline inflation remained stable, while core inflation continued to fall. Inflation would continue its measured downward path to meet its 3.0% target by the end of 2025.
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Global inflationary pressures remain high, although showing a downward trend, while economic activity demonstrated greater resilience than expected.