Blog BanRep

Inflation of Import Costs in 2021 (Only in Spanish)

The Box 2 of the Banco de la Republica's most recent Monetary Policy Report…

Banco de la República’s Profits and Returns on the Foreign Reserves (Only in Spanish)

Banco de la República (BR) posted historically high profits in 2019 and 2020, which accounted for 7.1 billion and 7.5 billion pesos…

Historical Rates of Business Start-Ups and Closures in Colombia (Only in Spanish)

The fragility of the corporate sector is usually assessed with traditional indicators related to the financial situation of companies such as…

Direct Credit from the Central Bank to the Government (Only in Spanish)

The Covid-19 pandemic and the policy response to mitigate its effects led to a substantial deterioration in the Central National Government’s…

Public Investment in Infrastructure: Biases against and Procyclicality (Only in Spanish)

The relationship between managing public finances and the business cycle has attracted much interest to economic research. Studies on the matter…

Banco de la República’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic (Only in Spanish)

The Covid-19 pandemic caused an economic downturn and an unprecedented increase in the unemployment rate. In April 2020, when the impact of the…