Melo-Becerra, Ligia Alba
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The implementation of the subnational fiscal rules in Colombia that occurred between 1997 and 2003 was aimed at the recovery of local governments’ fiscal sustainability put at risk with the increase in spending, debt and deficit, events related with the…
- Publicación |Approach
Since the enactment of Law 100 of 1993, the health care system in Colombia has undergone significant transformations that have resulted in improvements in health indicators, expanded coverage, and financial protection for the population.
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This document examines the effects of public and private investment in transportation infrastructure on the Colombian economy in the short and long run. In particular, it analyzes the historical evolution of the transportation infrastructure in Colombia, reviews the institutional…
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The following study contributes to the study of the migratory phenomenon from Venezuela in Colombia by analyzing its effects and challenges in the adjustment of the economy. This article is divided into two modules. In the first one, we describe and characterize the migrant population…
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The paper assesses the role of taxes on investment in Colombian firms. The analysis is carried out at the firm level for the period 2003-2014. During this period, the national government set five different tax reforms, including changes in the statutory tax rates, tax credits and incentives for…
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This paper uses a wage setting survey of 1,305 Colombian firms to explore the nature and sources of wage rigidities. This is the first study of a non-European emerging economy that uses evidence from a survey of firms to analyse this topic. The survey was carried out during the first half of…
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This paper uses a survey on wage formation that was applied to 1,305 Colombian firms to study wage-setting decisions with respect to newly hired employees. The Colombian case is interesting, since the country´s labour market performance, especially its unemployment rate and level of informality…