The Global Financial Cycle (GFC) is a common movement of financial variables transmitted to emerging economies through various channels. During periods of GFC expansion, emerging economies tend to exhibit higher capital inflows, increased asset prices, and better conditions for accessing…
León-Rincón, Carlos Eduardo
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‘Apertura e integración de Colombia a la red mundial de comercio: mucho ruido y pocas nueces’
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Since correlation may be interpreted as a measure of the influence across time-series, it may be conveniently mapped into a distance and into a weighted adjacency matrix. Based on such matrix, network theory has attempted to filter out the noise in correlation matrices by extracting the dominant…
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Network analysis has been applied to identify systemically important financial institutions after the 2008 financial crisis. Such applications have stressed the importance of centrality within the too-connected-to-fail concept.
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Informational constraints may turn the Merton Model for corporate credit risk impractical. Applying this framework to the Colombian financial sector is limited to four stock-market-listed firms; more than a hundred banking and non-banking firms are not listed.
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As a result of the most recent global financial crisis literature has embraced size, connectedness and substitutability as key indicators for financial institutions’ systemic importance. Despite the intuitiveness of these concepts, identifying systemic important institutions remain a non-trivial…
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First developed by Markowitz (1952), the mean-variance framework is the most widespread theoretical approximation to the portfolio problem. Nevertheless, successful application in the investment community has been limited. Assumptions such as normality of returns and a static correlation matrix…
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Operational Risk (OR) results from endogenous and exogenous risk factors, as diverse and complex to assess as human resources and technology, which may not be properly measured using traditional quantitative approaches. Engineering has faced the same challenges when designing practical…
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Whilst emphasis has been given to short-term dependence of financial returns, long-term dependence remains overlooked. Despite financial literature provides evidence of long-term´s memory existence, serial-independence assumption prevails. This document´s long-term dependence…
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The most recent episode of market turmoil exposed the limitations resulting from the traditional focus on too-big-to-fail institutions within an increasingly systemic-crisis-prone financial system, and encouraged the appearance of the too-connected-to-fail (TCTF) concept. The TCTF concept…