Guzmán-Finol, Karelys
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.
- Publicación |"Although these frictions affect various credit markets, they are especially relevant in rural areas of developing countries due to transportation difficulties and lack of formal documentation.”
- Publicación |Estimates indicate a positive relationship between the duration of drought periods and the total credit granted and the number of beneficiaries at the municipal level. This relationship holds for credits whose debtors report high levels of assets or have the backing of a public guarantee fund.
- Publicación |This document describes the state and evolution of the public hospital portfolio in Colombia and how it relates to some quality indicators in the provision of health services at the regional level.
- Publicación |Approach
Since the enactment of Law 100 of 1993, the health care system in Colombia has undergone significant transformations that have resulted in improvements in health indicators, expanded coverage, and financial protection for the population.