La dinámica de los principales mercados en los que el sistema financiero participa (e.g. crédito, depósitos y administración de fondos, entre otros) se encuentra estrechamente vinculada al comportamiento del sector de hogares, dado su papel preponderante en cada uno de estos.
Escobar-Villarraga, Mariana
A continuación, se listan los contenidos disponibles en el portal relacionados con la consulta.
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- Publicación |
The increasing digitization of fnancial services has increased the system’s exposure to cyber-attacks. This could compromise the security of the information, its operability and, therefore, its stability. The materialization of a cyber-risk event that affects the payment system could disrupt the…
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The behavior of production and foreign trade in the country’s industrial manufacturing sector was analyzed in previous editions of this report, with special emphasis on how they react to changes in the exchange rate for the dollar. It also was suggested that the recent…