Real Exchange Rate Index



The Real Exchange Rate Index is a measure of purchasing power parity of a currency relative to another currency (or basket of currencies). It compares the value of a basket of goods in two different countries expressed in the same currency.


Note 1: The Bilateral Real Exchange Rate Index series for Venezuela is currently not available due to the recent changes in the nominal exchange rate of the Venezuelan currency. This data will be available as soon as we define the methodology to construct the spliced series backwards.

Note 2: As of April 2019, the time series for Real Exchange Rate was modified since January 2017, due to a revision in the estimates for inflation and the changes in the nominal exchange rate during the last years in Venezuela. These changes affect the aggregate index for non-traditional trade and for total trade.  


Real Exchange Rate Index

Exportable a varios formatos - Promedio mensual Serie - Promedio mensual - LIBOR a 3 meses y 6 meses Historical Data Series
(Information available since December 1986)
Exportable a varios formatos - Promedio mensual
Serie - Promedio mensual - LIBOR a 3 meses y 6 meses Bilateral Real Exchange Rate Index 
(Information available since December 1986)